Jigs and Tooling Center

Toulouse and Nantes, France

Il Centro di Competenza di Modis dedicato a Dime e Utensili offre servizi per il settore industriale. Siamo specializzati nei seguenti settori: progettazione, produzione e integrazione completa di utensili (nelle linee di assemblaggio finale).

Dalla nostra sede forniamo soluzioni complete, tra cui:

  • Progettazione end-to-end a prezzo fisso
  • Capacità di gestire progetti a ciclo breve, tra cui lavorazioni con utensili piccoli (< 12 settimane)
  • Outsourcing di attrezzature a livello globale. Alcuni esempi: attrezzature industriali, linee di assemblaggio finale e utensili complessi in cicli a lungo termine (6-12 mesi)

Competenze disponibili:

  • Ingegneria meccanica
  • Ingegneria delle metodologie
  • Ingegneria della qualità
  • Ingegneria elettrica
  • Progettazione

Tecnologie offerte:

  • Progettazione e modellazione meccanica
  • Manutenzione, garanzia
  • Gestione della supply chain
  • Controllo della produzione

Partner con cui collaboriamo:

  • Airbus
  • Thales
  • SNCF
  • Renault

At our Jigs and Tooling Center we specialize in the design, manufacture and complete integration of tools in final assembly lines. Our engineers will work closely with you to increase the life of your products and shorten your product design lifecycles. We’ll bring our experts into your business, fitting into your development cycle, equipping you with the right technical expertise to get the results you need for your tooling processes.
The power of partnership
We believe strong partnerships with the companies we work with are vital to the success of projects – and for the growth of our clients’ business overall.

By working alongside our clients at every stage of the value chain, we can understand your challenges first hand. That means we well placed to deliver the most innovative and effective solutions to enhance your performance and operational success. 

Speed and quality count

At this center, we employ a wide variety of specialisms and tools to deliver your small scale, short term project or larger scale design and manufacture projects. 

We deliver complete solutions from our premises, including:

  • End-to-end project work on a fixed-price basis
  • Ability to manage short cycle projects, such as small tooling (12 weeks)
  • Global outsourcing of equipment. These range from: industrial means, final assembly lines and complex tools in long-term cycles (6-12 months) 

We’re helping you create a faster product time-to-market, reducing your costs and increasing the bottom line. With that in mind, we approach every project with the right balance of speed and quality control.