''After 25 years I'm still curious about the challenges a new project brings''

''After a number of years of working at a consultancy I was ready for a new and more practical working environment. In my time at the consultancy we regularly called in Modis engineers and draughtsmen. The people from Modis were always enthusiastic about their employer and, more than anything else, that was the motivation for me to decide to find out more about Modis. I was pleasantly surprised by the diversity of possibilities that Modis offered me.''

Impressed by technical systems
''One of the most notable projects was the one at Strukton Breda, particularly because it took me way

out of my comfort zone when designing and implementing the technical systems in the new A2 tunnel in Maastricht. The complexity of the control technology aspects in relation to the ventilation systems was impressive. These, in fact, serve just one purpose, namely to enable people to escape safely in the event of a calamity via the tunnels or escape routes. Everything I know about that now means that, these days, I am more relaxed whenever I drive through tunnels in the Netherlands.''

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