"The force that links everything together"

"Force is the main theme in my life. That's because I am an active member of the worldwide Star Wars Costume Group. With 6,500 active members and 70 Garrisons worldwide we are dedicated to working for good causes. The drive and togetherness which I experience there in my free time is something I also feel at Modis. They look further than the world of work to what we can do for colleagues and how we can be of added value for clients. We do more than we are asked to do and more than is expected of us."

"The shared passion for solutions is the force that links everything together."

''You learn something at each company. Every difference in working method makes you that little bit wiser. The focus is not on motionless technology, but on the question of how we can together make things better, smarter and more energy friendly. That passion for solutions is the force that links everything together. I'm always honest about what I know and am able to do. And I use my inner force to contribute to innovative projects. I'm continuing to improve myself through training and education. In the future I may be a lead engineer. I think that would be fantastic as long as I can stay in touch with the practical side of things. After all, being a member of a driven team, with clear goals and a good battle plan, is the best thing ever."


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