Salary Guide 2019

Posted 26 February 2019

Are you being paid right for your position?

Are you being paid what you are worth, for your level of skills and experience? Do you know what the salary range is for your position or field of expertise?

For many people, work is such a fast-paced environment, life is busy, and we simply go from one thing to the next without a lot of time for reflection. Now is a perfect time to reassess many things in life including your working environment. Getting an understanding of the role you play within an organisation and what value you bring, it vital for career progression and growth.

Your career will span decades and there are many considerations at each level of your development and each year of service to your organisation. One of which is your salary.

What should you be paid for your role?

Salary isn’t talked about very often amongst colleagues or friends – so discovering whether you are paid what you are worth can be difficult. In addition, no two positions are completely alike, making it more difficult to gauge where you sit on the salary spectrum. Within today’s digital world, where things are changing at a rapid pace and innovations and new technology are changing the way in which we work and operate in our daily lives, how can you know if you are getting the right benefits and renumeration?

We have recently conducted our annual salary survey – to find out answers to all these questions. Through our survey we gathered the thoughts and feedback from over 5,000 employers and employees Australia wide. We uncovered data on the previous 12 months and discovered what key trends are emerging for 2019 and what businesses are looking to do for their teams in the year ahead.

What are employers thinking?

The advent of new technologies has changed the makeup of the IT & engineering industries - and the workforce that supports them. New roles have emerged, old ones have faded away and some have blended together to reflect the convergence of technology itself.

We now know what employers are thinking in relation to pay increases for 2019 and seeing trends proving that flexibility is now becoming “the norm”. There is also an increase focuses on reskilling and upskilling to ensure top talent is kept within the business and to invest in employee growth and development.

Where can I get more detail?

With this insight, we have taken the hard work away for you and complied industry insights to highlight roles and corresponding salary range across a wide range of industries through our annual salary guide. Our annual Salary Guide enables employers and employees alike to research their sector to truly understand what the market is saying in relation to salary for 2019.

Download the guide today!

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