The Cloud: Are you ready?

The Cloud: You're ready for the cloud. Now what?

Louis Mierowsky | Head of Solution Management - Modis Australia Posted 19 March 2021

Moving to the cloud can be a daunting and difficult proposition, and most businesses are at very different stages of their cloud journey. At Modis, we have worked with clients who are entirely new to the cloud, as well as those with extremely sophisticated and future-focused cloud-based infrastructure in place.

If your business is just starting out, the good news is that a cloud migration certainly doesn’t have to be an ‘all or nothing’ proposition. You can start small and expand as and when you need to. Plus, the team at Modis can help at every step of the way.

We can help you:

This article was originally published by Louis Mierowsky on Linkedin.

Read the original article

Define your vision

Working out your cloud objectives and goals can actually be one of the hardest parts of any cloud migration. However, it is also an essential first step. By working closely with you, our team can help you define exactly what you want to achieve, by when, and for what reasons. We can also help you set targets upon which you can then later measure your success.

Determine your readiness

Another key part of moving to the cloud is conducting an assessment of your existing application portfolio, so you can get an overarching view of what you want to migrate, and if there are any applications that can stay where they are (or even be retired). This enables you to make the most of your investment and provides a great deal of clarity regarding what you are about to undertake.

Planning your transformation

Our expert team can also provide detailed recommendations regarding how your business can, and should, migrate your applications to the cloud – and how you can do so in the most time- and cost-effective way.

Using Proof of Value

Modis can deliver a Proof of Value to demonstrate and outline the value of migration to the cloud. This can assist in laying the groundwork to gain support amongst your leadership team to support cloud migrations.

Migrating effectively

According to a recent cloud security study, 47% of business leaders are concerned that cloud migration will disrupt their business operations, and 46% are concerned regarding the time it will take to migrate data.

To alleviate these concerns, Modis offers a Rapid Application Delivery Framework built on the Power Platform with Modis pre-built components and methodologies. This can help you rapidly and cost-effectively migrate your applications using proven processes, with minimal hassle or risk.

Measuring your outcomes

Our team can also help you determine the success of your migration by measuring your goals against results or new data. For example, we can help you measure how much time a new e-form is saving your customers rather than them having to fill out a paper-based form. This information can then also help you win buy-in for future migrations.

If you’re interested in learning more about how Modis can help you with moving your applications to the cloud, please download our whitepaper today.

Download our latest white paper to learn more about modernising your applications in the cloud.

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